مجلات معتبر برای چاپ مقاله | 50 مجله برتر ایرانی از دیدگاه اسکوپوس

مجلات معتبر برای چاپ مقاله | 50 مجله برتر ایرانی از دیدگاه اسکوپوس

مجلات معتبر برای چاپ مقاله

1.    International Journal of Health Policy and Management
2.    Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization
3.    Biophysical Reports
4.    Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)
5.    Health Promotion Perspectives
6.    International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
7.    Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine
8.    Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
9.    International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
10.    Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin
11.    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
12.    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry
13.    Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research
14.    Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management
15.    International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery
16.    International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
17.    BioImpacts
18.    Archives of Iranian Medicine
19.    Journal of Health Literacy
20.    Cell Journal
21.    Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research
22.    Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics
23.    Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications
24.    Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
25.    Journal of Current Ophthalmology
26.    Annals of Functional Analysis
27.    International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine
28.    Journal of Reproduction and Infertility
29.    Persian Journal of Acarology
30.    International Aquatic Research
31.    Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
32.    Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery
33.    Iranian Biomedical Journal
34.    Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences
35.    Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics
36.    Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases
37.    Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
38.    Advances in Operator Theory
39.    Urology Journal
40.    Molecular Biology Research Communications
41.    Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research
42.    International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
43.    Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
44.    Journal of Research in Health Sciences
45.    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
46.    International Journal of Society, Culture and Language
47.    Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology     
48.    Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
49.    Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
50.    Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine

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به ما بپیوندید
آموزش پایان نامه
تلفن: 02128422160
شماره موبایل: 09104742571
اهداف ابن سینا
آموزش پایان نامه
آموزش چاپ مقاله
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